How to scientific skin care in summer? These four steps, you'll understand!

How to scientific skin care in summer? These four steps, you'll understand!

Some people say that inner beauty is more important than the need for external beauty, but in fact we are in this era of looking at the face, external beauty Makeup skin care is also very important, in terms of a certain degree of influence, said that there is external beauty, will be more attractive to students more people take the initiative to pay attention to your inner beauty.

Makeup can become more beautiful, good skin is also very important, there is a good foundation can become more beautiful, that skin care is very important, summer is greasy, bad skin care words will make the skin more burden, how to care for skin better in summer?

One, sun protection

Moderate exposure to the sun will indeed help the body synthesize vitamin D, but the summer sun often kills people, excessive UV exposure will darken, accelerate aging, and even trigger skin cancer, so it must be sun protection, sun protection, sun protection, the important thing to say three times! Did you take notes? How to protect yourself from the sun?

1. apply sunscreen

2. Wear sunscreen when you go out

3. Wear a wide hat and sunglasses with sun protection

4. Use a sunshade

2. Oil control

Summer oil is inevitable, appropriate oil control, can reduce the pressure on the skin, but do not pay attention to excessive oil control Oh, excessive use of oil control products will be counterproductive.

Scientific cleaning, simply put, according to the amount of sebum, choose the appropriate wash face, adjust the frequency of washing, late morning, after exercise is more appropriate for the skin is not greasy, not dry degree.

3、Replenish water

The amount of oil can be reduced by replenishing water while controlling the amount of oil, thus achieving an oil-water balance.

Many hydration products only moisturize the outermost layer of the skin's stratum corneum and protect the skin's "natural barrier", while deep hydration requires internal conditioning. For example, a healthy diet is very important for the skin and body, eating fruits such as watermelon, melon, berries and apples. ;Drinking more water to keep the body hydrated will ensure that the body and skin remain hydrated and healthy.

We need to pay attention to, hydration at the same time can not be carried out excessively so that the skin hydration, especially in the use of mask this kind of moisture is relatively high when the product, with too long or appear too often, easy to affect lead to the patient's skin barrier system function is constantly declining, triggering social dermatitis and other diseases.

4. Keep sleeping

Early to bed can better "nourish the skin", sleep deprivation or an unstable lifestyle may make the skin darker or acne, it is recommended to stay up less late to ensure faster cell regeneration.

Well, in addition to the above, there are many other things to keep in mind, such as removing makeup and eating less sweets, all of which play a role in skin care. In addition, in addition to external skin care, internal conditioning is also important. The earlier you take care of your skin, the better.

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